image credit: suncatstudios on twitter


28, He/Him, Bi & Polyam, White/Latino, Taken

List of names i go by, in order of current preference (last updated 7/23/23)

  • Tyler

  • Varian

  • Skag

  • Any nickname variant of any of the above

Disclosure: i am mostly white, but genuinely also part latino. half of my family is latino, but the immediate family i grew up with did not participate in the culture much. i'm moderately white-passing but do experience racism sometimes. i don't feel i have the right speak on latino issues given that i didn't grow up w the culture and that i'm fairly white-passing, but it also feels unfair to not claim the mixed identity when i do get called slurs in public and stereotyped sometimes. do with that information what you will, i honestly don't care.

Before You Follow

please read this section for a heads up on what i will frequently post about, to help yourself decide if following me is something wise for your mental health.

  • guns. i've gotten very hyperfixated on borderlands which has branched off into a fixation on guns. sometimes i draw my characters with guns or i retweet images with guns in them. please just unfollow if this is damaging to your mental health.

  • bugs, including but not limited to: mosquitoes, centipedes, tarantulas, spiders, scorpions, etc. includes drawn artwork and photos. i try to TW these but you may be better off not following if you're sensitive to bugs.

  • this is a personal/AD account and i will make NSFW text posts and RT NSFW furry artwork from time to time, so no minors.

  • i'm not on twitter nearly as much as i used to be, so i'm very out of the loop on callouts and other discourse in the fandom.

  • i do vent a lot on this account and sometimes discuss senstive topics like suicide without TWs. in fact, this carrd is likely the only way in which you'll ever get TW's from me.

  • i am an addict in recovery and i do talk about it sometimes so yeah.

  • i do not enjoy horror, jump scares, or flashing images, so i don't really interact with this content, so you should be safe from it.

Do Not Interact

please do not follow or otherwise interact with myself or my content if any of the following applies to you.

  • minors. While this is not primarily an AD account, i do occasionally tweet or like NSFW things and RT NSFW art.

  • bigots. the typical homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, etc. just don't come to my profile to spew hate, i won't stand for it.

  • predators. meaning p*edos, zoos, "MAPs", "AAMs", r@pists, abusers, etc. ur gross

  • drama factories. please do not hate follow me or stalk me just to create some kind of drama for little to no reason just bc ur bored. trust me, i get it, but i'm 28 and officially a senior citizen, i have no energy left to deal with it anymore.

  • if we have personal beef. if i don't like you, i probably already have you blocked.

  • while my having you blocked doesn't inherently mean i dislike you, i would still prefer you not block evade on a separate account to ask me why.

  • do not come to my tweets or profile just to say negative things about my interests. it's just childish? grow up.

  • do not DM me about people i'm following who are shitty and do not tag me about them. i'll likely hear about it if it's bad enough and i'll unfollow on my own terms. that is not for you to decide and follow =/= active support.

  • not gonna namedrop but if u follow a certain person i got beef with i will probably block u

Kin list???

i don't really truly kin but here's a list of characters i'm very attached to and, to at least some extent, identify strongly with.

  • Mickey Milkovich- Shameless

  • Varian- Tangled the Series

  • Lars- Steven Universe

  • Bo Derek Thompson- Superstore

  • Chandlo- Bugsnax

  • Ruby- Steven Universe